What is Coding Unboxed?

The About page says a bit on what this website is for, but before I get too much further into the posts for this blog, I thought I’d establish what readers can expect from it going forward.

The way I see it, today there are a lot of resources available on the Internet (and offline, like books, classes, and coding bootcamps) for those looking to learn web and other software development on their own. Too many, in fact, and although the plethora of content is a good thing, it’s not so good that it makes it nearly impossible for anyone to determine which resources are the best ones and worth spending time on.

My goal with Coding Unboxed is to help those new to coding sift through the resources available both online and off, and provide a “study guide” that can help chart a path towards learning to code. I’ll be aiming to provide written reviews (positive and negative) of resources like online courses (individual courses and entire platforms when appropriate), websites, ebooks, print books, and anything else that might make sense to do that I come across.

In addition to reviews, my goal with Coding Unboxed is to supplement the excellent existing Developer Roadmaps by Kamran Ahmed, specifically the ones for Frontend Developer and Backend Developer. These roadmaps are really great and tell you what to study, with all the essential topics provided in a graphical layout that’s extremely helpful. However, they don’t tell you how to go about studying these topics and how to find the best resources to learn those, which is something I’ve seen a lot of people struggle with (myself included). And as good as the Developer Roadmaps are, with the way they’re presented they don’t provide a sequential order to learn topics in which is sometimes important, and lack a few key topics as well, so that’s something that I’ll aim to provide in this blog.

That’s all for this post, and the headlines for my next couple of posts will be: “The worst online course & learning platforms” and “The best online course & learning platforms“.